My twin sister Lori, her daughter Katie and I have annual passes to Disneyland. Although there is much to enjoy about the current park, Lori and I really miss the Disneyland of our childhood. While some of the rides and attractions of the past were somewhat campy (and would be considered very dull by much of today’s youth), pictures and video of the old park stir fond memories of Dad’s Bermuda shorts, Mom’s beehive hairdo and Grandma’s box camera with the flip-up view finder. When Lori found this video on YouTube, I knew I had to share it with you! Travel back into time as you journey with me on the transportation of the future: The PeopleMover!
If you are viewing this post on a mobile device, here is the YouTube link:
On the journey toward Home,

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Go people mover go!!!! I miss that SO much! Thanks for digging up that video and bringing up such special memories for me too! My mickey ears flew off the people mover once and they were gone forever…I’m still a bit bitter…thanks for memories! love you!
I really miss it too! Disney needs to capitalize on the nostalgia factor and bring back some of the PAST, but considering their VERY POOR descision to remove the waterfalls at the Disneyland Hotel, I don’t think they really get it. Perhaps the people in charge are not old enough to remember how the park used to be or understand how many of today’s guests still see the park through the lens of their own childhood visits, and bring the kids and grandkids hoping that a younger generation will experience the same magic. Alas, maybe someone at Disney will eventually understand what nostalgia means and bring back the PeopleMover!