If you are visiting my little piece of blogosphere real estate as part of the Ultimate Blog Party 2011, welcome! I must confess upfront that I am extremely new to the “art of blogging” and have spent the last several months trying to figure it out as I go along! When I first started this little adventure, I thought “how hard could it be?” HA! Famous last words! Learning about widgets and linkys and code has been a bit daunting at times, but slowly I am learning–mostly by trial and error, but learning nonetheless! So with that disclosure out of the way let me tell you a bit about me and why I started Tickled Pink Life.
A few years back, my twin sister and I were both diagnosed with catamenial pneumothorax (CPT), a rare form of endometriosis which causes the lung to collapse during menses. Over the course of about a year, we were in and out of the hospital with multiple collapses which required several chest tubes, pleurodesis, thoracic surgery and finally hysterectomies. During that year we learned a lot about CPT so we started a web site to help other ladies with the same condition. Following that, my twin was diagnosed with renal artery stenosis and lost her right kidney due to that condition. Shortly thereafter our healthy mom of 61 was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of anal cancer known as cloacogenic carcinoma. Although she was treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, the Lord took her home within seven months of her diagnosis.
All of this understandably, took a toll on our family, as we traveled the road of suffering and grief. During that time of adjusting to a new normal without our mom, my sister and I decided to write a book about God’s provision. While our suffering had not been easy, God had provided in tangible and practical ways as well as some miraculous ways that reminded us that we were not alone. Since our story was not unique, our goal was to help others also find hope by recognizing when God was providing for them. Held by God: Finding Hope by Recognizing His Provision in the Midst of Suffering was published in June 2010.
The title may be a bit of a misnomer, as the book is much more about HOPE than it is about suffering. We do cover the specifics of our story, but much of the book centers around people from the Old and New Testaments, who were in similar situations. We really enjoyed writing the “Bible study” aspect of the book—or how the stories apply to us today. Once the book was finished, I thought a blog was the best way to continue to be able to share what I was learning.
The title of my blog, Tickled Pink Life is really about making a choice to see God’s goodness in a world gone awry. Suffering is a fact of life, but we don’t need to give into despair over it. I know that God’s plan for my life is ultimately good, even if (from my perspective) the details are sometimes painful. Eventually I will understand, but for now my focus is to trust him with the specifics.
So, Tickled Pink Life is here to uplift and encourage, to come along side, to offer hope and to celebrate the goodness of God in the process. I blog about what I’ve learned from Scripture and I blog about my interests, passions and hobbies. Some posts will be about tangible things like china, vintage-style crafts, Victorian lampshades, and easy-to-make desserts. Other posts will focus on adventures and activities, like garden tours, travel destinations, the art of taking tea, or fun trips to Disneyland. But mostly, posts will be dedicated to encouraging and comforting you with the comfort that I myself have received from God (2Cor 1:3-4).
Ultimately, my blog is here to point to the most important gift God has ever provided to us. It was a message describing his great love for mankind—written in blood and nailed to a wooden cross in Judea, 2000 years ago. Jesus was the message and He is our HOPE!
Well that is my blog in a nutshell. Thanks for visiting, and if you’d be so kind, I would love to have you follow me on Twitter or Facebook!
On the journey toward Home,

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }
So sorry to hear of all your struggles. I’m so glad you have a strong faith to help you through! Great post. Visiting from UBP!
Hi Nicole! Thanks for visiting and for the kind words!
What a journey the Lord has you on! I am so sorry to hear about your dear mother, yet am also so encouraged to hear of the hope you are finding in HIM!
Blessings to you,
Jessica (stopping by from the blog party, & I completely understand about the time blogging takes as you learn so many different things)
Hello Jessica! Glad to have you here! I look forward to visiting your blog as well. Blessings to you too!
I’m here from UBP11. Your book sounds phenomenal.
Hi Charity, Thanks for visiting! I would love to hear your thoughts about the book!
Lovely to meet you through UBP. I am just a year into blogging and still learning a lot. I have not heard of the disease that you and your sister have. It is great that you can be a resource to other women. I lost my adorable mom to cancer, too. Heaven will be a wonderful reunion. Thanks for sharing your life to encourage others.
Gg – Notes on the Journey #269
Hi Glenda, It is nice to have you here! Thank you for your kind words about my mom, and I am sorry to hear about your sweet mom as well. You are so right about the awesome reunion we will have in Heaven! In my minds eye, I can see Jesus standing back watching with a huge smile on his face, all those hugs and tears as his children reunite with one another. What a joy it will be for all of us! Blessings to you friend!
Hi there! Stopping by from the UBP! Loved reading about your story and what an encouragement and testimony you have!
Hope you have a great week!
The Adventures of Miss V #186
Hello Veronnica, Glad to have you here! Thank you for the kind words.
God bless!
Wow. What a story you have!
Looking forward to reading more.
Hi Christa! Thanks for visiting! Looking forward to stopping by your blog as well!
Hi, I found your blog through UBP. Wow, you have been through a lot. You have an amazing testimony but Im sorry you had to endure so much.
Found your blog through UBP11. You are an inspiration to us all.
Good to meet you.
Wow! That is amazing what you all have been through. I look forward to learning more about you guys and hearing more of how God is moving in your life. Stopping by from the UBP! God Bless!
Welcome Miranda, Gilda and Jen! Glad to have you here, and thank you for the kind words!
Wow, so sorry to hear about all your struggles, especially about your mom. Prayers your way! Your blog looks really great! My blog is about encouraging and uplift too! I look forward to reading more!
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow…please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And…Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
What a beautiful, uplifting blog you have! I’m excited to read all about your journey, and wish you and your family all the best.
Hi! I’m visiting from the UBP – I’m #73 (Being Made New – http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com) on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know a little about you – your faith in really dark circumstances is inspiring – and I hope you might have time to visit my place. :^)
I’m a new follower from UBP11. I just wanted to say hello. Please stop by to visit my blog and check out my giveaways while you’re there.