This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2
I thank the Lord for Spring! It always reminds me of a new beginning, a fresh start, and the resurrection of death into life! A week after Easter Sunday, let us remember the hope we have in Christ, and allow that hope to give us strength and encouragement.
I am refreshed every time I hear my little bird friends singing in the crisp morning air. Their sweet songs refresh my spirit and point to God’s promises to care for me just as he does for them. That makes me glad and gives me another reason to be thankful!
How does God’s creation speak to you and make you glad?
On the journey toward Home,

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
OhmyGOODNESS, I LOVE that bird photo!
How beautiful!!
God’s creation never ceases to amaze me! I love how important beauty is to Him.
When I see something beautiful that He has made, from a majestic sunset over a mountain, to a ripple in a small pond, I am speechless. And breathless. All at once. I can’t even imagine how beautiful He must be if this type of beauty flows out of Him.
Thank you for your post!
Once again…love that bird!
Hi Christa!
You are so right that God’s creation is a reflection of himself. I also thought this little bird was so precious! Glad you liked the post!
What a wonderful post to remind us of how GOOD God is! If there is so much beauty here on a fallen earth, what glorious wonders must await us in Heaven. His care and design is evident in nature all around us, if we would but see it. This little bird reminds me of how much He cares for me, and what He endured to redeem me. For that, I am grateful every day!
Beautifully said. Amen and amen!
Triple Amen!!! (now I’m one-upping you Lynn..ha ha) That is the cutest bird EVER!!! I agree with Lori, if we think God’s beauty is beautiful on Earth….just wait to what we have in store in our forever home! This Earth’s offerings will truly pale in comparison!!! Can’t wait!!!!
I am sure that your mom and dad and my mom are already making a list of all they want to show us when we get there!