10. Riding the train is an adventure and kids love it!
9. Complete strangers wave at you when the train goes by.
8. You can see countryside which is inaccessible by other modes of transportation.
7. There is no fear of plummeting to earth from 30, 000 feet (That one is for my sister-she doesn’t fly).
6. Parents don’t have to take turns driving.
5. Eating in the Dining Car is fun!
4. Families can spend quality time together playing board games and talking to one another.
3. There is electricity on board for electronic devices when families get tired of talking to one another.
2. When you book a sleeping car, your steward has free coffee brewing all. day. long. How cool is that?!
And the number 1 reason to Go by Train is: If you close your eyes, you can pretend that you are on the Orient Express and Mr. Poirot is solving a murder in the smoking car.
Special thanks to my sister and niece for allowing me to share these photos of our Amtrak train ride from Los Angeles to Seattle aboard the Coast Starlight.
I am linking up at OH AMANDA for Top Ten Tuesday!
On the journey toward Home,

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
That looks like it was fun! I hope they were on their way to see someone special!~ 🙂
They were going to see their favorite cousin, because she’s the best cousin in the whole world, and seriously, how could I ever decide on which Vera Bradley bag to buy without her help?!
Excellent Answer!!!!! 🙂