This year I had the pleasure of participating in a Christmas ornament swap with one of my sorority sisters! Pairs of bloggers were matched together to exchange a bit of Christmas bliss, whereby each lady sent one handcrafted ornament and one store bought ornament to her swapping partner. I was paired up with Jo, from That’s My Story and received from her three lovely ornaments to go with my love for all things vintage!
Her handcrafted ornament was an exquisite beaded bauble in my favorite color-pink of course!
I also received a wonderful winter scene on a decorative tin frame.
Lastly, she sent a cute snowy birdhouse, with a shiny little cardinal.
All three were just lovely, and I think they look adorable on my tree! Thanks Jo!
On the journey toward Home,

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I just LOVE the idea of an ornamnet swap! The beaded one looks just like you! Merry Christmas girl! Hugs~ Robin
It was great fun! Hugs to you too dear! And Merry Christmas to all your people!
I’m so glad you liked them and they seem to match you white tree perfectly! Have a great Christmas
Thanks Jo! I am glad you liked yours as well, and I hope you have a great Christmas too!