This weekend marks another Memorial Day, when Americans remember and honor those who have sacrificed so much for this country. We pay tribute to our men and women in uniform, both past and present. We express our gratitude for those who have served, mourn for those who have died and pray for those who are still in harm’s way.
In an address at Arlington National Cemetery, President Bush reflected on the brave citizens among us who choose to defend our nation.
Today, we honor the men and women who have worn the nation’s uniform and were last seen on duty. From the battles of Iraq and Afghanistan, to the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, to the trials of World War, to the struggles that made us a nation, today we recall that liberty is always the achievement of courage.
And today we remember all who have died, all who are still missing and all who mourn. And on this day, especially, our nation is grateful to the brave and fallen defenders of freedom. In every generation of Americans we have found courage equal to the tasks of our country. The farms and small towns and city streets of this land have always produced free citizens who assume the discipline and duty of military life. And time after time, they have proven that the moral force of democracy is mightier than the will and cunning of any tyrant. George W. Bush
Our nation’s heroes can best be remembered by honoring those who currently serve. Soldier’s Angels, the Wounded Warrior Project and the Semper Fi Fund are non-profits dedicated to helping military members and their families.
Soldier’s Angels works to provide aid and comfort to all branches of the military. The Wounded Warrior Project helps injured service members and their families adjust to a new normal. And the Semper Fi Fund supports injured and critically ill members of the armed forces.
America seeks no new territory, nor do we wish to dominate others. We commit our resources and risk the lives of those in our Armed Forces to rescue others from bloodshed and turmoil and to prevent humankind from drowning in a sea of tyranny. Ronald Reagan
On the journey toward Home,