Tomorrow night a new 10-part miniseries will air on the History Channel. Filmed in Morocco and other locations, The Bible brings familiar stories to life in a way that people can relate to. The airing is the culmination of a five-year project of husband and wife team Roma Downey and Mark Burnett. Downey is best known for her portrayal as Monica in the beloved television series Touched by an Angel.
The series will begin on March 3 in the book of Genesis, and will air over five Sundays in two-hour segments covering both the Old and New Testaments. The series ends on Easter Sunday, March 31, in the book of Revelation. Throughout the series, the historical accounts of Noah, Joshua, Moses, Rahab, Sampson, David and others will be presented through powerful performances and state-of-the-art special effects. Spectacular locations, authentic costumes and stirring music will remind us that these were real people who had doubts, hopes and fears just like us. Their stories are our stories, and God works in our lives today, just as he did in their lives two and three thousand years ago.
Additional resources are available on the website Among those is a YouVersion Bible reading plan, where you can read the Scripture applicable to each segment.
I watched this trailer, and immediately set the DVR! The series looks to be inspiring and encouraging! It is my prayer that it will glorify God and present a clear message of salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ. I look forward to traveling through the Bible in this epic series, and invite you to join me!
On the journey toward Home,