For the last two weeks my guest bathroom has been under construction. While looking forward to the end result with much anticipation, the process to get there is a bit unsettling. It seems that half of the house is covered in plastic and the other half is covered in dust! I’m reminded that remodeling is loud, dirty, and produces odors that are quite unpleasant! Let’s just say, if you are planning a tub/shower remodel, just make plans to get a hotel room the day they plan to hot mop! Oh, my goodness, it’s a smell that just won’t go away!
To escape the noise and the dust, I’ve spent most mornings in my garden and have found my self-imposed exile to be rather a blessing.
We had substantial rain over the winter, and with a cool spring many plants in my yard are in bloom.
Beautiful wisteria flowers blanket the patio cover and provide a wonderfully sweet fragrance.
One of my favorite types of roses are the old-fashioned multi-petal varieties.
This smilax vine has a long history in my family. It is a cutting from the original plant that sat outside the kitchen window of our family home in the 1980s. Before that, the plant belonged to my mom’s uncle. My dad also has a cutting from this plant, while my sister still cares for the original which is at least 40 years old! Over the years it would occasionally lose all of its leaves to the point where it looked dead, but then it always grew back! My mom loved this plant, so it is really special that everyone in my family has a part of it.
With so many of my roses in bloom, I cut a few to put into vases.
I like to use simple glass vases with the roses loosely arranged.
These roses add a sweet aroma to the garden table. With a cup of tea, I’m all set for some Bible study, journaling or reading.
A morning in the garden is a wonderful retreat where I can visit with my little bird friends and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. May you find such a sanctuary in your own garden!
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24, KJV
On the journey toward home,