“I have had enough, LORD!” Overwhelmed and giving up

March 20, 2011
Thumbnail image for “I have had enough, LORD!” Overwhelmed and giving up

Over the past week, the world watched in horror as events unfolded in Japan. Stories, pictures and video coming out of the country are nothing short of astonishing. Living in California, I have my own apprehension about earthquakes. In 1994, my fourth floor apartment was just 20 miles from the epicenter of the Northridge quake. […]

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Missing Retro Prime-time: “Let’s bump up the lights…”

March 9, 2011
Thumbnail image for Missing Retro Prime-time: “Let’s bump up the lights…”

It seems the older I get, the more I find mainstream television a complete waste of time.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to find prime-time entertainment that isn’t (for a variety of reasons) crass, spiteful, violent, ridiculous or just plain stupid. Much of current prime-time programming is devoid of an encouraging story line, a well-designed […]

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Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Fruit Tarts

February 27, 2011
Thumbnail image for Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Fruit Tarts

Welcome to my little post! Tonight, for your culinary pleasure, I bring you a wonderful little recipe for fruit tarts! Well, perhaps recipe isn’t quite the right word. To be honest, I am, shall we say, somewhat “culinarily challenged”. (Yes, there was a reason I ate so many grilled cheese sandwiches in college, but I […]

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Why am I Suffering?

February 20, 2011
Thumbnail image for Why am I Suffering?

Life frequently has a way of not working out exactly how we envisioned. Unexpected situations occur that leave our world in pieces–the loss of a beloved family member, sickness or injury, the loss of a job or home, betrayal by a spouse. These losses can leave us feeling abused, rejected, abandoned or forgotten. The Bible […]

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When the PeopleMover was the Future

February 9, 2011
Thumbnail image for When the PeopleMover was the Future

My twin sister Lori, her daughter Katie and I have annual passes to Disneyland. Although there is much to enjoy about the current park, Lori and I really miss the Disneyland of our childhood. While some of the rides and attractions of the past were somewhat campy (and would be considered very dull by much […]

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Buds on the Fig Tree

January 31, 2011
Thumbnail image for Buds on the Fig Tree

Earlier this month, my sister and I attended a prophecy conference. Yes. A prophecy conference. Now I know that word gives some of you the heebie-jeebies, but I can assure you that everyone there was quite sane; no wide-eyed people whispering conspiracies and running around in tin foil hats. On the contrary, the attendees were […]

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A Flower Facelift becomes a National Treasure

January 23, 2011
Butchart Sunken Garden

Today, I thought we’d share a short tour of one of my favorite places! If you’ve ever been to Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island in Canada, you already know what an awe-inspiring place it is! The most famous part of the garden humbly began as a limestone quarry near the home of Robert Pim Butchart. […]

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Mom to the Rescue

January 17, 2011
Mom to the rescue

This is an excerpt from the book Held by God, of which I am a co-author with my twin! Over the years we found that some aspects of our relationship with our parents remained the same no matter how old we got. Despite our age, our mom has always been our mom, and even as […]

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My birthday gift from God

January 3, 2011
Thumbnail image for My birthday gift from God

Today is my birthday. As a quasi-middle-aged person, my birthdays tend to sort of come and go without too much fanfare. And I am okay with that. Sometimes I would rather not spend too much time calculating just how old I am now. (And for all you folks who have yet to reach your 40th birthday, […]

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